Awkward Feeling In Throat Small Breathing Problem And Dangly Peice Of Skin Thing In Back Of My Mouth Touching Tongue...?

Small breathing problem and dangly peice of skin thing in back of my mouth touching tongue...? - awkward feeling in throat

In the last two nights, or something around 6 or 7 years I realized that it's a little harder to breathe, nothing bad or anything, just a little longer than usual and really unpleasant sensation in the throat. It takes about an hour getting to sleep with him now, although I am very tired, I realized that this small piece of skin was hanging in the back of my mouth touched my tongue, so that's what or what? and a week ago I was drinking too much Bacardi is that alcohol in my system thats ******* breath and depends on something or what? Somone please help me with this ...


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