Does Any1 Know How Much The Stomach Balloon Cost MY GROWTH!!!?????? Help Any1?

MY GROWTH!!!?????? Help any1? - does any1 know how much the stomach balloon cost

Hey, in the 15th, turning 16 in August, and I thought how gunna grow

In the 5 "11, 179cm

And in the past year and a half, I lost 30 pounds, and not much movement, I got rid of fat, but there are plenty of fat in the stomach

My family said if I have a final spurt growth in my stomach, Im not sure if it's true or not correct? "

When I was little, I did a test with the words that wud about 6 "2, which means that wud another growth spurt away

The thing is that I'm really upset stomach and now I want to get fit and have girlfriends and have a term of one, but I can not until I know I'm not sure, and I lose the fat I CUD LUG get

Can you lose fat effect my growth?

Or, if the weight in the fast growing belly was upwards of course?


vaporery... said...

You have good taste, and I am a man, but no where near a good time. congrats to continue to grow until you and I hope that adequate physical speel.

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