Coconut Oil For Hypothyroidism Looking For Help Feeling Better With Hypothyroidism Or Hashimotos.?

Looking for help feeling better with hypothyroidism or Hashimotos.? - coconut oil for hypothyroidism

I have many things and I'm still tired all the time. I have tried to support thyroid pills, coconut oil, and the switch to natural thyroid. Although the natural thyroid helped some people think I still have a lot of sleep most of the day.


cogent_o... said...

I had the same problem. My Me hypothyroidism to the point where I felt like an icicle. There was really nothing to do, drink a cup of hot coffee once a day and exercise regularly. Enter orginization or something that they love. That's all I could do to take the day to quickly and energetically. Even now, after 10 years I still feel so tired all the time if I do something interesting. And if I could sleep all day.

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